Hi! I'm Doctor Zulmy

Have you ever wondered what the root cause of your symptoms are? Or if a more natural approach could be taken when it comes to your health?
I am here to help! I am a licensed Naturopathic Doctor that works with patients to achieve their optimal health goals. My areas of focus include digestive health, thyroid health, autoimmune disease and pre-diabetes.

Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic doctors are trained as primary care providers that focus on preventative medicine and treating the underlying cause of disease using various evidence-based natural treatments such as nutrition, botanical medicine and homeopathy. We look at the whole person rather than just symptoms.

We believe in the body’s inherent ability to heal itself by establishing a foundation for health by removing obstacles to cure such as addressing changes to diet, lifestyle and other determinants of health.

of Naturopathic Medicine


First Do No Harm

We always aim to choose the most natural, non-invasive and least toxic treatment for each patient

The Healing Power of Nature

We believe that the body has the inherent ability to heal itself. We act to identify and remove obstacles to health to help facilitate this self-healing process.

Identify and Treat the Causes

We look beyond a patients symptoms and identify, address and remove the underlying cause of disease.

Doctor as Teacher

Education is a very important aspect of patient care and is necessary so we can empower our patients to feel more in control of their health and the steps they need to take as we support them on their health journey.

Treat the Whole Person

We focus on treating the patient as a whole rather than just the disease. We believe that a patient’s diet, lifestyle, genetics, family history, environmental exposures, spirituality, physical and mental health are all equal factors that contribute to their health overall. We take this all into consideration when deciding on the best approach to treatment.


We will always focus on how to maintain overall health and wellness and prevent disease. Positive actions taken in the present will have a profound impact in the future.


Discovery Call

Complimentary phone call where we can discuss your health goals and see if we are a good fit.

Follow up

Includes an assessment of prior treatment recommendations and review of lab results if ordered.

New Patient Initial visit

Includes an in-depth look at your diet and lifestyle, health history, and concerns and goals as we start to; work towards finding the root cause of your symptoms.

Short Visit

For any questions that require more time than a short email or phone call or to just do a quick check in